Peak Performance is a professional consultancy dedicated to working out the very best of new ideas and to providing fresh and realistic advice for clients to put into practice. These include:
1. Consultancy to improve Health & Social Care through innovation & technology
Peak Performance works with both UK and international
to help them to identify the right approach to successfully marketing
their offering in the complex organisation that is the fourth largest employer in the world, the NHS. We have been able to help developers from whole systems suppliers to those leading with a specialist single application, like
speech recognition.
Unfortunately, intoducing change in projects using technology as an enabller to improve care is never as straightforward as delivering hardware and pressing a couple of buttons. People - patients, qualified carers and allied professionals - probably settled into existing, familiar ways, are key to that success and need to have as much ownership of the change as the original innovators.
Peak Performance can work with you to develop plans to help achieve the projected benefits
As a result of our market knowledge and commercial skills we have been able to provide vital input into successful bids for funding of pilots to explore the use of new technologies to assist in the care of chronic diseases - an essential step towards gaining real experience and providing a proving ground to the widespread implementation of new care techniques.
2. Consultancy to enable the success of Meetings & Presentations
Peak Performance are skilled in the facilitation of meetings. Often successful facilitation with a larger group or board may involve the use of the Interactive Presenter™ as described in the "Consensus" & "Interactive Presenter Event Services" pages on this site
Ask the question: "True or False - Most PowerPoint® presentations are compelling, illuminating, informative, clear and to the point" and the answer usually comes back "False".
If you recognise the need to avoid "death by PowerPoint", Peak Performance can work with you to hone the skills and presentation materials that bring your presentation to life and give it a much better chance of being understood and remembered.
Peak Performance have a successful track record in planning and organising highly successful international conferences and meeting and they will be delighted to supply a member to your organising group to feed in ideas and experience.
3. Consultancy - Research, Reports & Written Communications
We regularly carry out research and reviews in our areas of competence and produce reports and other written communications to enable messages to get across with clarity.
If you'd like to know more about Peak Performance's Consultancy Services or have an exploratory discussion about how they might help your organisation, please make contact with us today. |