To consistently deliver a “Peak Performance” requires enthusiasm, intelligence, insight,focus and unstinting effort on a daily basis.
We need all the help we can get to maximise these qualities. This section is included on the site to give sources of ideas and references that we think are worth passing on. Keep coming back to this page – we intend adding more suggestions on a regular basis.
Memory Retention and Recall + MindMaps
You’ll find uses and references to both Tony Buzan’s factors that make things memorable and his MindMaps concept elsewhere on this site.
There are a number of Buzan books available on these topics. As a first read, we recommend “Harnessing the ParaBrain” (Colt Books) which is a clear and concise book. Tony Buzan’s website can be found at
MindMaps “for Visual Thinking” can help develop creativity and bring order and logic to thoughts buzzing about in your head. There are software tools available to help you construct MindMaps. MindManager is a very straightforward and complete tool - - but there are a number of other packages on the market that claim similar capabilities. The Buzan site recommends
Delivering presentations that have key messages well understood and easily remembered
“Using Words” (publishers: Duckworth) by John Casson is a classic that remains very valid and is worth a read if you can get hold of a copy. As is “Lend Me Your Ears” (Vermillion) by Max Atkinson. Some practical ideas that we all probably know but too often forget laid out here. Max Atkinson’s website is
To reinforce commonsense PowerPoint presentation design principles with clear explanations of the psychological principles behind them, read “Clear and to the Point” (Oxford) By Stephen Kosslyn.
If you have visited the "Question Simulate" part of this site, you'll be in lttle doubt that we believe that the use of questions really improves audience reception and recall of presentations. They play a valuable role in most human communications. There is not a great deal of "help" resource on this topic - so until there is we will continue to refer you to our (still workin progress) Question Culture Site.
Some folk have been clever enough to sum up key lessons in just a few short words. . Click here to reach the Quotations page for some pithy words that may inspire.