For a presentation to make an impact, it needs to provide a positive, relevant, memorable and exciting experience for the members of the audience.
The successful presenter always prepares thoroughly for a winning performance.
There is no substitute for clear thinking, hard work, creative inspiration and rigorous rehearsal.
by adopting the Interactive Presenter™ as a presentation aid and giving each member of the audience handset, every presenter can potentially reach new performance heights.
For a delegate the opportunity to participate in a session on equal terms with every other member of the audience usually creates a buzz and a feeling of fun by itself.
Attendees at sessions using the Interactive Presenter™also tell us that they have found greater powers of concentration when the possibility existed that they might be called upon for a response at any time during a presentation.
The real key to successful and meaningful audience involvement lies in being able to ask the right questions and add value to the voting outcomes.
Participative audiences have much more learning energy than passive ones
Questions put the engines of our minds into gear and pump in the fuel.
They cause us to relate what we already know and feel.
Presentations of facts or logic without questions can rarely do that.
Questions provide a hyperlink to our brains.
When a question is asked it triggers a connection to what we already know or believe on the topic..
Learning energy is generated as a result.
The more relevant and well formed the questions: the more energy will be produced.
The traditionally successful devices of the presenter, like story telling, rhetoric or injecting humour, remain very important.
Used skilfully, they will always lift a performance.
The Interactive Presenter™ just adds, SUBSTANTIALLY, to the presenter’s armoury. |